Building without building
I just spent 48 hours building a new site using a new process (detailed a bit below):
The motivations:
I’ve always loved the
Show HN projects that people built on a whim over a weekend. So it’s been a bucket list item for me, but I had no muse yet…
I was watching NOVA a few nights ago and learned about how
Saturn pulled Jupiter away from the inner solar system. The thought has been brewing in me for a while on just how many things conspired to have everything work out for us to be here. So I was thankful to Saturn…and then on a whim, late at night, I typed this in ChatGPT:

And my muse had arrived. In a blind fury of asking for refinements in a brute force way, I ended up with
YOU ARE HERE. I also added my
longest domain to this project, so it’s available here as well:
A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From The Centre Of The Ultraworld.
Details so far:
New process: EVERYTHING* done by ChatGPT, with me as art/tech/project director, in a back-and-forth working session. *There was one manual adjustment: a dark mode class that no matter what I did for 1.5 hours - more time than I would spend outside of the goal of 100% ChatGPT created - I couldn’t get it to find/see/fix.
Static HTML, CSS, and JS (though working still on a no-JS path for those that prefer that lifestyle)
Tailwind CSS
Not using any framework - just HTML, CSS, JS, and JSON that get compiled with a simple build process
Hosted on
Cloudflare Pages
Installable as a PWA

Dark mode - cuz space is dark, duh
Languages - 100% ChatGPT generated with no human reviews (and I don’t read Chinese or scientific Spanish). I take no credit and no blame. :)
Uses local storage to save your dark mode and language toggles
Progress bar is to scale - at least to some degree - so it’s not steps but the distance between time
Does well on Lighthouse:

Here’s the list of things to come as this is not close to being done:
- Fix the 404s on the links - ChatGPT is bad at this, but I’m working to get it to go one-by-one to fix.
- Adjust the layout to make a bit more sense
- Add some icons
- Easter eggs planned (there are a few navigation ones already, but more fun stuff coming)
- If demand is high, open-source it so it can become a resource to show the latest
- Flag any ’events’ that are widely disputed (not conspiracy crap, just legit, it’s our best guess, but we don’t really know stuff)
- More about the project - probably just a link to this post
- Post on Show HN of course!
- Get some real input from scientists that actually study each area
- Add granularity adjustment so you can have 10 major steps with well-established facts or 100 little steps with maybe some bleeding edge science (and icons labeling it as such)
- Make it more clear that this is all to show exactly how special you are (and to be honest, how special a fly in your soup really is!).
Stay tuned, Earthling!
PS - music consumed during this project and h/t to my friend Shaun (an ever-dependable source of good choons) for the share: